My goal is very simple: to help you! You will find below some experiences from friends who I have helped and who have applied some of my discoveries! I believe it is important to share these experiences as it allows you to see that my healing is not just my story, but it could well be yours.
In 2002, as a result of a car accident, I sustained a cervical fracture that left me with permanent consequences, including constant pain in my back, hip and left foot. Personally, I had accepted that these pains would be part of my life forever. I did not even consider the possibility that there could be more than a temporary solution such as the benefits of a good massage or a visit to the osteopath.
In the fall of 2020, at the age of 52, walking still meant pain. I fell often! I limited my movements to the strict minimum in order to avoid the pain that ensued. I had lost muscle mass and strength. My quality of life was declining rapidly. I was wondering what I would look like at the age of 70! I even resigned myself to probably ending up in a wheelchair just as I had been for a year following my accident.
However, Guy shared his journey and his discoveries with me!
A few months later, in January 2021, my pain was almost completely gone. It was inexplicable and unexpected! Enjoying a pain-free life for the first time in 19 years motivated me to heal myself. I followed Guy’s advice and my life has completely changed!
In just one year, I did more walking and excursions than I had done since my accident!
Rest assured that I no longer have any intention of returning to a wheelchair.
Guy made me understand that healing starts from within, in addition to knowing the infinite power of collective consciousness! I see this as an unexpected miracle but also as a marvelous discovery. I now know that some “miracles” are within everyone’s reach if you open your mind to the possibilities...
I will be forever grateful to Guy and filled with gratitude to the universe that crossed our paths again!😊